SQLTree: A Tree Structure SQL Script Editor

SQLTree in action SQLTree is a little SQL tool/utility that was written in order to break down a large SQL script (used to migrate contacts from Goldmine into Mictosoft CRM 3.0) into smaller chunks and organize them into a tree structure. The resulting program made everything a LOT easier and sigificantly reduced the time needed to finish the project. Later someone mentioned that other people might benefit from this "Tree Structure SQL Script Editor", so it was made it available on the net. And yes, it is free. (Although licensing is available for commercial usage, it is not required)

Description: SQLTree lets you organize and execute your SQL statements in a tree structure. You can execute a single script, a whole branch, or all the items in the SQL script tree structure (default). Currently this tool will only execute scripts on a Microsoft SQL Server (Tested on Microsoft SQL Server 2005). I am thinking of adding support for other databases in future if there is sufficient demand. with a feature request to let me know if you would benefit from support for a different database.

SQLTree requires Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0 to run.

Features currently being worked on

Change Log:

20. August 2007: Version 1.1: Fixed a number of bugs and added a "Display Results" Action.
09. August 2007: Bugfixes.
12. July 2007: Version 1.0 released.

Copyright © Jonathan Gill 2007